The Van

I am a Young Teenage boy, and one day, I was walking along the road, and this van drives up to the side of the road. It is this Orange Rusted-up, Ghettomobile. There were these two guys in it, both looked about 35-45 years old. They said they had some candy in the back. They said there names were Charlie and Tucker. Charlie was really skinny, and they were both wearing white T-shirts. Charlie was wearing a John Deere Hat, and both of them had stains on their shirts. Tucker was obese, and his teeth were rotting, but he licked his lips at the sight of me.
I said no to them, but then, they jumped out of the van and kidnapped me. Their arms were soooooo hairy, so hairy, too hairy. Tucker licked me while I was in his arms. I was put in the back of the van, it was groty. They strapped me into a 1930s, electric chair, and they forced my eyes opened, and there was a TV from like 2001 or something like that, it was little,and it had a VHS tape to it. Charlie put in a VHS tape labelled SeXy, and the van drove off. The video tape was of me, and Charlie and Tucker were doing things to me, undescribable things to me, and then I realized after 10 minutes, they were doing this to me, but driving the van at the same time, and then I was knocked out with a McDonald's Toy. I woke up and I was in this hole. A hole and there was poop all over it. There were 14 other kids in the hole, and they were biting me. I smacked them, and they backed out. The oldest one was my age, and the youngest one looked like he was 4. They were all boys. They were also seemed very hopeful about something.
They all explained how they were kidnapped, and there is a pedophile cult, and they don't know how many people were apart of it. The hole was about 15 feet deep, it was like the hole from The Silence of the Lambs, but bigger. There were two barrels, one of them was food, and then liquid, this was in 3 year old hand writing. The Liquid was pee, gross, and poop was the food, even grosser. Tucker and Charlie came into the room that the hole was in. It seemed like the entire room was made from grey concrete. and there was a single flickering light in the room. The children seemed to know what was about to happen, and they took off there underwear. Tucker and Charlie came down and said together " You've been very good children" but you have been very bad. Tucker was pointing at me. Tucker and Charlie rushed at my pants and but I hit both of them in their heads, and I fought them, Soon the children made a human ladder, and were climbing on to each other, and two of them escaped, before an 8 year old, starved, actually collapsed and exploded into blood and blood matter, with the weight of everyone, all of sudden, Charlie and Tucker magically came out of the hole, and starting chasing the kids. It seemed like one of them got a phone and called the police, because I could hear police sirens. All of the sudden, there was gunfire, and a ladder was put down for us, And then a chain with hooks came down and we had a skin torn into, and charlie and Tucker, said they needed to go somewhere. we were dragged out of the hole, and there were like 100 other men in the room.
They had armed themselves, with handguns, saws, shot guns, and even machine guns. Suddenly, huge amounts of police sirens could be heard. The Men licked their lips at the sight of us. The room was pretty large, and was pretty much just concrete and two steel door ways, and a tunnel. They dragged us through the building, which had parts made from rotting wood and brick and it was three stories. I could see outside, and there were like 500 police officers, all of sudden, the 100 guys starting shooting, and killed the 500 police officers. Then there were like 100,000 police officers, who starting shooting at the building, and there were like rocket lauchers that the men fired at them, and we were rushed into a tunnel system, and the building exploded, and like thousands of police officers went into the remains of the building. The tunnels were also made from concrete but were better litted, the tunnels were about 10 feet wide, and 7 feet tall. All of sudden there were all these naked men coming out the tunnels with children also on the rusty chain hooks. The men also had guns, and Flamethrowers, yes, Flamethrowers. All of sudden there was like shootouts everywhere, and I heard on a radio, that 560,000 SWAT Officers were coming into the tunnels, and there were 2 million Pedo Reinforcements coming in. There were flames, as Charlie and Tucker led us through the tunnel. I actually saw police officers, and then Charlie and Tucker were both shot 20 times in the head by a Mega SWAT team. Another naked guy quickly took control of us, and led us to an exit, before he was also shot, we quickly unhooked ourselves, but all the kids were quickly hooked, but this time on their eyes. I managed to escape though.
I was suddenly in a jungle, and there were cult members fleeing, there were helicopters shooting at them. I was running, but then there was a river I fell into, it was strangely Warm and thick, and it looked like mud, but then there were waste pipes coming from everywhere, they were coming out of the tunnels, I was swimming in a poop river. There was trash every where, and there was also a needle on my forehead. As I was struggling to keep my head over all the poop. There was a helicopter that rescued me from the River of Feces, Condoms, and Needles. It was the UN, and they said there was a Pedo War, and North Korea, Russia, Angola, and Mexico supported them. World War 3 had started because of me. Russia then sent 20 million nuclear missiles everywhere. The Cult was worth 200 google Liberian Dollars. All of sudden the nuclear missiles hit, but before I was vaporized, The 2nd coming of Jesus Chirst occurred, and the Antichrist, Barrack Obama fought Jesus with lightsabers before being struck down to a Mississippi McDonald's. Judgement day occurred, and I was cast into the Lake of Fire, and I have remained there for 414,465,956,251,525,329,672,827 Years, Charlie and Tucker are in Heaven though.